Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some examples of questions about the latest FCC Telecommunications Act RSI receives and our responses to those questions:
OSHA Training
114. Is yearly electromagnetic energy radiation compliance required?
84. I just rented an RF suit to climb an AM tower, so I do need to power down?
83. I rent RF suits for my employees to use. That takes care of the RF exposure issues!
78. Does OSHA require PPM usage?
76. I am a Federal Employee, what are my training requirements?
75. What training does OSHA require of my employees?
65. Aren't all 10 Hour classes the same?
15. Do workers need training to use personal protection equipment?
6. What do I have to do to ensure worker safety on my tower site?
4. I'm just a contractor working at sites. What can I do? What do I need to know?
OSHA Rules
113. What should you do if you have RFR devices in your work place?
112.Why do I need an Industrial Electromagnetic Energy Radiation assessment or sampling?
111. I had an OSHA audit and I had no violations so why do I need electromagnetic energy radiation compliance if even the OSHA inspector didn't note a deficiency?
91. Are written Hazcom Programs required by OSHA?
90. I am hiring a temp worker from a staffing agency, am I responsible for their training?
88. What if I have a hazard assessment and it shows I'm out of compliance? What do I need to do?
84. I just rented an RF suit to climb an AM tower, so I do need to power down?
83. I rent RF suits for my employees to use. That takes care of the RF exposure issues!
80. Can't I just install RF warning signs at my site to be in compliance?
74. Why does RSI perform detailed measurement when they survey RF sites?
73. Does OSHA require me to survey and take real RF measurements samples around my RF equipment and antennas?
72. What standard requires me to have a safe work place?
71. I have a Radio facility do I need to do a site survey?
70. Do I have to follow the OSHA requirements and does it apply to my group I a small company?
66. What do I have to do to ensure worker safety at my plant?
65. Aren't all 10 Hour classes the same?
64. Where are safety Plans required?
62. Does MPE Modeling meet OSHA requirements for worker safety on a site above the MPE level?
59. I am a government entity what regulations do I need to follow?
58. On Towers with detuning wires and broadcast towers, what are the hazards, and why is the Safety Climb Cable Hot on some towers?
56. How does the New North Carolina Fall Standard affect RSI?
55. Why are Tower Site RF Hazard Assessments required?
44. Who needs an RF Hazard Assessment at an industrial site?
43. Does OSHA require employers with Industrial Heating Equipment and MRIs to do RFR safety training for their employees?
40. Why is lockout required by OSHA when I'm working at some RF sites, and what is it?
38. Why do Broadcasters need Site Safety Awareness Training?
37. Do I need to put up an OSHA poster in my workplace? Where can I get a copy?
36. Who must keep records of work-related injuries and illnesses?
35. What's the penalty for violating an OSHA standard?
34. What are OSHA's inspection priorities?
32. Pacemakers and High RF Area. With regard to the issue of pacemakers, where does the liability issue begin and end?
29. Is Extra Low Frequency (ELF) radiation a concern?
28. Why do people in the broadcasting industry need training?
27. What does it mean if my contractor is in the OSHA Partnership?
25. Why do I need a written safety plan?
24. As a large broadcast entity, why should I do anything?
23. I have less than ten employees. Am I exempt from OSHA regulations?
19. What makes a person 'Qualified', 'Competent', 'Designated' and/or 'Authorized'?
18. What recordkeeping actions took place on January 1, 2002 and what is a OSHA 300 Form?
17. What fall protection standards apply to my group when working on a Roof or Tower?
13. Who is required to pay for personal protective equipment (PPE and PPM's) (RF Suits and Monitors)?
10. Do I have to power down at all times when working at my site?
6. What do I have to do to ensure worker safety on my tower site?
5. What if I'm a site owner, not a licensee?
4. I'm just a contractor working at sites. What can I do? What do I need to know?
88. What if I have a hazard assessment and it shows I'm out of compliance? What do I need to do?
81. Do Co-located operations have anything to with my antennas?
80. Can't I just install RF warning signs at my site to be in compliance?
79. Do the MPE and other EA rules apply to BPL systems?
74. Why does RSI perform detailed measurement when they survey RF sites?
71. I have a Radio facility do I need to do a site survey?
69. E or H what do I check and can I use calculations near the antennas?
68. Do Electric transmission line towers with Cell/PCS antennas installed on them need to meet the RF safety requirements?
61. Do in building radio system using BDAs have to follow the FCC rules?
60. What is the best type of fence for an AM station?
58. On Towers with detuning wires and broadcast towers, what are the hazards, and why is the Safety Climb Cable Hot on some towers?
57. My radio station is going through a voluntary FCC inspection through our State's Alternative Broadcast Inspection Program (ABIP). This inspection is sometimes referred to as ABI Proram. Doesn't this inspection measure and address my stations's RF exposure concerns?
55. Why are Tower Site RF Hazard Assessments required?
54. Are all the readings going to be the same each time they are taken?
53. Where could I find RF hazards?
52. Why measurements instead of calculations?
51. Why would each licensee be required to pay a fine?
50. I'm not the only licensee, what are my obligations?
47. How long can I be in the work area?
46. Do you need to know where to post your required FCC tower number?
44. Who needs an RF Hazard Assessment at an industrial site?
42. All FCC Forms ask about EA/NEPA
41. I did my RF calculations and the general public is ok, so I should be in compliance right?
39. What are the FCC's environmental siting regulations?
38. Why do Broadcasters need Site Safety Awareness Training?
32. Pacemakers and High RF Area. With regard to the issue of pacemakers, where does the liability issue begin and end?
31. Should the EA address all the categories even if only one or two of those listed categories are actually effected
30. Should any state or local government agency also be contacted to determine the environmental effects of a situation listed under section 1.1307?
29. Is Extra Low Frequency (ELF) radiation a concern?
28. Why do people in the broadcasting industry need training?
26. How Does the FCC Learn About A Rule Violation?
24. As a large broadcast entity, why should I do anything?
21. My boss didn't tell me anyone would come by to inspect our radio so I don't have to let the FCC inspectors in, right?
20. The FCC Agent said that I had to allow inspection of my radio station without unnecessary delay. What does 'without unnecessary delay' mean?
10. Do I have to power down at all times when working at my site?
9. My antenna is on a 1000 foot tower on a mountain. Why should I do anything?
8. What is an MPE evaluation?
7. What do I need to do to come into compliance as an equipment owner?
5. What if I'm a site owner, not a licensee?
3. How can the FCC do inspections on my site without needing a Search Warrant?
1. This law does not apply to me, why should I do anything? (Catagorical Exemptions)
Meters and Monitors
78. Does OSHA require PPM usage?
69. E or H what do I check and can I use calculations near the antennas?
48. Can I use my Personal Protection Monitor to do time averaging?
13. Who is required to pay for personal protective equipment (PPE and PPM's) (RF Suits and Monitors)?
12. When should I use PPMs?
11. Don't RF Monitors protect me from strong RF fields??
39. What are the FCC's environmental siting regulations?
31. Should the EA address all the categories even if only one or two of those listed categories are actually effected?
30. Should any state or local government agency also be contacted to determine the environmental effects of a situation listed under section 1.1307?
101. I am in Canada, what rules apply to me?
99. Does The National Association of Tower Erectors (NATE) still have a partnership with OSHA?
89. If I want to be Qualified, what do I need to do to teach RF to my staff?
77. Why do Federal and state government groups now all use the FCC exposure limits?
63. Do any states have specific RF regulations?
59. I am a government entity what regulations do I need to follow?
57. My radio station is going through a voluntary FCC inspection through our State's Alternative Broadcast Inspection Program (ABIP). This inspection is sometimes referred to as ABI Proram. Doesn't this inspection measure and address my stations's RF exposure concerns?
56. How does the New North Carolina Fall Standard affect RSI?
53. Where could I find RF hazards?
49. RF Safety signs Update on Comm Tower Rules - What do the signs mean?
45. What is the NTIA?
33. How safe is it to scan a patient with a tantalum steel plate in his head for a brain MRI?
22. What hazards could a tower site impose on nearby construction sites?
16. Does RSI offer tailor made Safety Plans?
14. What is a Qualified Trainer?
2. What if I don't own or control the site? I'm only a licensee.