Maximum Permissible Exposure Reports
Is your site in compliance? RSI's MPE Reports are a cost effective way to be sure! (NIER Report)

Both MPE Modeling reports (NIER Reports) are created using references from OET 65 and other scientific sources. These resources allow us to quickly, accurately, and effectively model your site. The site information can be easily updated and provide current documentation, saving your organization hundreds or possibly thousands of dollars.
"It is an FCC requirement for all transmitters or facilities that the MPE Modeling be known on new or renewal licenses or when modifications are made at a site."
At multiple-user sites, this information is required under the FCC’s 5% compliance rule. The MPE Modeling document is also extremely effective for use at zoning board meetings, city council meeting, or when meeting with concerned citizens groups. Additionally, MPE Modeling data can also be used as a base of information for Intermodulation Distortion (Intermod) Studies.