Draw out base with coax numbered clock wise starting at leg closest to north
Climbing personal should determine with the help of one person on the ground to verify heights of antenna, type of antenna, azimuth of antenna, leg, coax size, type of mount
Combiners/ splitters and tag coax using base numbers, of all coax and antenna.
Numbers at the base of the tower will also give a starting number to chase coax into the building. Use simple numbers on the tower that can be made in advance 1,2,3,4,5 etc
Follow each coax to transmitter documenting all combiners/cross band couplers etc. Use form TA-101 (this form can also be used for Intermod-MPE information)
Temporarily tagging with corresponding tower number at building ingress/egress, different rooms ingress/egress, combiners etc and then transmitter.
Identify and document coax size, make, model, frequency, of all equipment, TX, RX, dummy load, etc Use form TA-101
Draw a rendering of room with location of equipment, then assigning a room number, row letter of equipment etc. (example, room 4- row A- position 5 combiner-C-tower coax 15) stat in NW corner of building and then rooms for ID schematics
Enter information into Tower Audit spreadsheet at the site. Doing this as you go will insure that all information that is available can be obtained.
Draw a rendering of each tower coax number as such:

Permanent Tagging of Coax and Equipment Numbering System (If Applicable)
FCC structure number (last three digits)
Room number of equipment numerically based on drawing of building layout
Row of equipment if applicable based on drawing of room layout, (alphabetically)
Position of equipment numerically, if in a rack configuration
Note if combiner, C cross band coupler CB duplexer D etc
Coax number used at the base of tower.
Height of antenna on tower
Type of antenna
Azimuth of antenna
Bar Code